To whom it may concern:
Good day. My name is Thomas A. Bishop and I appreciate you taking the time to consider me for your open position.
Please take the time to look through my portfolio. I curated it specifically with a mix of still graphics and motion graphics. You will see that I utilize graphic design and motion graphic design extensively throughout all of the products I produced.
If there's something you would like to see but isn’t in my portfolio, please let me know. If you want to put me to the test, you can even send me an assignment and deadline. Challange me!
Now that that's out of the way, on to the big question: why am I the best candidate for this position?
Three reasons...
1. Experience.
I have been working in or adjacent to the design field for over two decades. Not only that, the experience I bring isn’t just found in a portfolio or on a screen.
Working in television for most of my career, I am very comfortable working with people from a wide variety of age groups, experience levels, perspectives, and backgrounds. It's not always easy to find concensus and build on the team’s esprit du corps when you have a mix of Gen Z’ers, Millenials, Gen X’ers, and Baby Boomers, but I’ve been part of a culture that has successfully achieved that goal my entire career.
Next, as a commercial producer especially, I have extensive experience interacting with sales teams and clients; working with them to meet their needs and build on their relationships with us, they're service provider.
I also have previous managerial experience; handling scheduling, logistics, training, and management of a team of 8 to 10 employees.
Finally, I meet or exceed all of the requirements for the positions for which I am applying. As you can see in my resume and portfolio, I’m not only expert-level in Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, and Premiere Pro; but I'm also capable of creating motion graphics, interactive presentations, print products, commercials, other video products, and much more.
2. Motivation.
I am one of those workers that enjoys staying busy whether I’m in a cubicle or working remotely - on the road or at home.
I continually hone and perfect my work-from-home practices to help me stay on-task, I’m extremely well-organized. And I maintain active communication lines to my supervisors and coworkers.
Finally - and I feel that this is important especially in a remote work position - I already have all of the equipment necessary to do the job. My work set-up and PC specs are available on my portfolio website. (
3. More than meets the eye.
With so much experience, one could understand a possible lack of interest for one of many reasons. Let me assure you, I am neither old nor dated. My energy levels are high, my knowledge is cutting edge, and my compensation requirements are reasonable.
I can also guarantee I will always be 100% authentic and honest.
Graphic design is more than a job to me, it's a calling: a passion...and I’m grateful that I’m also able to make it my career.
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If you have any questions for me, please don't hesitate to strike up a conversation.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you.
- Thomas A. Bishop [January 2023]